I've got an stm32l4 based device that has a USB stack based on modified stcube code. I've had it running with HID on Win7/10 and CDC VCOM on Win7/10 (on win7 it needs an .inf but not on Win10). However, when I created an HID & CDC-VCOM device it works fine on Win10 but on Win7 it only pretends to work. By pretend, I mean it likes the modified .inf (based on the previous CDC VCOM .inf) and it enumerates without errors. Both the HID and VCOM device show up as expected. Everything I know how to look at in device manager looks fine *but* it doesn't actual pass data correctly.
I've looked at bus transactions with a Beagle and assorted debug logs and, best I can tell, from the device side perspective, after enumerations it sends application level data to the host (which I see on the bus) and the responses it gets (I do see responding OUT transactions) are either wrong or late (I don't own the sending/receiving code on either end so it's a little opaque here...). Same code on both side on the Win10 machines run fine.
I'm pretty .inf and Win10 vs Win7 ignorant but I'm guessing my screw up in in there somewhere. I'll be doing more studying of the Bible this weekend (like reading the .inf pages etc.). If anyone can provide suggestions, they will be gratefully appreciated!