Home > Making Printed Circuit Boards Book
Printed Circuit Boards
by Jan Axelson
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Reviewers say...
"A good basic text on how to design and make your own boards. It covers both old-fashioned paste-up and modern computer-generated procedures." - Bob Pease, Electronic Design magazine.
About the book
A guide to designing and making printed-circuit boards in small quantities:
- Printed circuit board basics
- Preparing a useful schematic diagram
- Component choices
- Techniques for designing pc-board artwork
- Drawing the pc-board artwork
- Preparing for image transfer
- Transferring the artwork to the pc board
- Etching; drilling and soldering
- Repairing pc boards
- Projects
- Sources for software, supplies, and materials
Price: $22.95
317 pages, TAB/McGraw Hill, 1993.