Author Topic: Programmatically finding base address of PCI/PCIe parallel ports on Windows XP  (Read 30542 times)


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I've found the entry of the PCI parallel port that I'm using in the registry, but I cannot find any values the look like the base address (decimal or hex).

It seems as though many of the references/utilities I've found expect that all parallel ports are mapped into legacy addresses (378h, etc).
(*Most* modern systems do not have with motherboard parallel ports.)

Is it possible to retrieve the addresses of plugin parallel ports through  a user-mode utility?
Would someone point me to a reference that has a program to do this- or shows how to find the base address of a PCI/PCIe parallel port?

Even though I'm currently using Windows XP, we will be migrating to Windows 7 in the near future. Ideally, the method of finding the address
will work for both OSs


« Last Edit: February 23, 2012, 04:50:29 pm by cappy2112 »

Jan Axelson

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What does Windows device manager show for the address?

The WDK has a devcon example program that shows how to retrieve the information in the device manager.



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What does Windows device manager show for the address?

The WDK has a devcon example program that shows how to retrieve the information in the device manager.


It depends on the system, and the day of the week.

Some systems show CC00, others show ECC0. I have code in place that depends on this address. Occasionally, when the system reboots, the address previously
assigned to the card has changed. This is the reason why I want to find it programmatically.

The WDK has a devcon example program that shows how to retrieve the information in the device manager.

I have used the WDK or SDK once, but I can't say I'm very familiar with either.
Does "devcon" (device console ??) refer to a filename, directory or something else?

Thank You!!

Jan Axelson

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It's an example and a file.
