I already posted on this forum. I'm currently dealing with a TINIm400 module in order to set a sensor->RS232->TINI->Ethernet->PC/Server Communication.
So now that the communication works, I have to improve some things in the code such as :
-Reading the data and sending it must be done each seconds.
-Previously, I have to send something to the sensor in order to set it in "sending mode".
-If the data collected is the same as before, it shouldn't be sent.
Here is my code, any idea about how could I improve it?
import javax.comm.*;
import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;
import java.lang.*;
import com.dalsemi.tininet.*;
import com.dalsemi.system.*;
class SerialToEthernet extends Thread {
// Utilisation d'un buffer de 1024 pour le transfert de données
private static final int INPUT_BUF_LEN = 1024;
// Serial port and associated streams
private SerialPort sp;
private InputStream spin;
private OutputStream spout;
// Socket and associated streams
private Socket s;
private InputStream sin;
private OutputStream sout;
private SerialToEthernet(String server, int port, int speed)
throws Exception {
// Creation et initialisation du port serie
sp = (SerialPort)
//ouverture du port serie
"SerialToEthernet", 5000);
// RTS
TINIOS.setRTSCTSFlowControlEnable(0, true);
// 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, pas de parité
sp.setSerialPortParams(speed, SerialPort.DATABITS_8,
// Controle de flux
sp.setFlowControlMode(SerialPort.FLOWCONTROL_RTSCTS_IN |
// Initialisation des flux d'entrées et de sorties'
spin = sp.getInputStream();
spout = sp.getOutputStream();
// Timeout de lecture de 100ms
// Parametrage du seuil de reception et du buffer
// Connection au serveur TCP
s = new Socket(server, port);
sin = s.getInputStream();
sout = s.getOutputStream();
// Création et lancement d'un thread Serial To Ethernet'
(new Thread(new SerialReader(this, INPUT_BUF_LEN))).start();
// Lancement du thread de maintenance
private volatile boolean running = true;
private int serialTotal = 0;
private int networkTotal = 0;
public void run() {
while (running) {
try {
} catch (InterruptedException ie) {}
//System.out.println("Bytes received from serial:" + serialTotal);
//System.out.println("Bytes received from network:" + networkTotal);
private class SerialReader implements Runnable {
private byte[] serBuf;
private Thread maint;
private SerialReader(Thread maint, int size) {
serBuf = new byte[size];
this.maint = maint;
public void run() {
while (running) {
try {
System.out.println("Lecture des datas sur le port série");
int count = spin.read(serBuf, 0, serBuf.length);
//S'il existe encore des données à lire sur le port alors on continue la lecture'
if (count > 0) {
System.out.println("Ecriture des datas sur Ethernet");
sout.write(serBuf, 0, count);
serialTotal += count;
} catch (IOException ioe) {
// Problème de connection avec le serveur
running = false;