Mmmm, just had another power/crash it appears as though if you open ASP in spy mode without any other code running it gives the following
#16C [len=2]
<20110325 15:09.14:501 SYS>
Baud rate 9600
<20110325 15:09.14:501 SYS>
RTS on
<20110325 15:09.14:516 SYS>
DTR on
<20110325 15:09.14:516 SYS>
Data bits=8, Stop bits=1, Parity=None
<20110325 15:09.14:532 SYS>
Set chars: Eof=0x00, Error=0x00, Break=0x00, Event=0x00, Xon=0x11, Xoff=0x13
<20110325 15:09.14:532 SYS>
Handflow: ControlHandShake=1, FlowReplace=64, XonLimit=2048, XoffLimit=512
<20110325 15:09.14:548 TX>
#16C [len=2]
<20110325 15:09.14:548 SYS>
COM port is closed
starting at 115200 running down to 9600 it just repeats help!!