Correct me if I'm wrong but if I have say a game pad usb 1.1 usb device that the host asks for data from every 8 to 10 ms (interrupt in pipe) the host will be responsible for retrieving the data. That is to say an application must be asking for it?
When I watch a sniffer I see the data sent every 8ms. I have not tried this yet but I'm under the impressionist if I close the app that is using the device that data will no longer be asked for, thus freeing up the pipe of talk data?
The reason I ask is the control transfers must wait for nak before sending data. So when this interrupt data is going on it sits in naking for a bit. If I were to exit the application would interrupt data stop (I assume so). Thus allowing the control transfers to go a bit more smoothly. Of course the interrupt frames will still occur ever 1ms or so.
Do I have that about right?