I inherited some USB Device code for a Freescale Kinitis part. The code is unstable and I'm at a loss as to why.
For days it works fine then for days Windows returns 'Code 10 Device will not start'.
This is a HID device with two endpoints, controlling LEDs and reading switches.
A couple of specific questions:
This is a Full Speed device, no Low or High. When Windows requests the DeviceQualifier the proper thing to do is return STALL? Line 127 in the bus capture below.
Once Windows requested a string with an index of 0xEE. Don't believe that would be valid?
In the bus capture below everything goes as I expect it up to SetConfiguraiton, then there are many requests for strings. Is this normal?
Any way to get Windows to give up more information on why the device would not start from the Windows perspective?
Descriptor as reported by TDD:
Information for device Widget (VID=0xDEAD PID=0xBEEF):
Connection Information:
Connection status: Device connected
Device actual bus speed: FullSpeed
Device is hub: No
Device address: 0x0001
Current configuration value: 0x00
Number of open pipes: 0
Device Descriptor:
0x12 bLength
0x01 bDescriptorType
0x0200 bcdUSB
0x00 bDeviceClass
0x00 bDeviceSubClass
0x00 bDeviceProtocol
0x08 bMaxPacketSize0 (8 Bytes)
0xDEAD idVendor
0xBEEF idProduct
0x0004 bcdDevice
0x01 iManufacturer "My Device"
0x02 iProduct "Widget"
0x00 iSerialNumber
0x01 bNumConfigurations
Configuration Descriptor:
0x09 bLength
0x02 bDescriptorType
0x0029 wTotalLength (41 Bytes)
0x01 bNumInterfaces
0x01 bConfigurationValue
0x03 iConfiguration
0xC0 bmAttributes (Self-powered Device)
0x32 bMaxPower (100 mA)
Interface Descriptor:
0x09 bLength
0x04 bDescriptorType
0x00 bInterfaceNumber
0x00 bAlternateSetting
0x02 bNumEndPoints
0x03 bInterfaceClass (Human Interface Device Class)
0x00 bInterfaceSubClass
0x00 bInterfaceProtocol
0x04 iInterface
HID Descriptor:
0x09 bLength
0x21 bDescriptorType
0x0111 bcdHID
0x00 bCountryCode
0x01 bNumDescriptors
0x22 bDescriptorType (Report descriptor)
0x0020 bDescriptorLength
Endpoint Descriptor:
0x07 bLength
0x05 bDescriptorType
0x81 bEndpointAddress (IN Endpoint)
0x03 bmAttributes (Transfer: Interrupt / Synch: None / Usage: Data)
0x0040 wMaxPacketSize (64 Bytes)
0x05 bInterval
Endpoint Descriptor:
0x07 bLength
0x05 bDescriptorType
0x02 bEndpointAddress (OUT Endpoint)
0x03 bmAttributes (Transfer: Interrupt / Synch: None / Usage: Data)
0x0040 wMaxPacketSize (64 Bytes)
0x05 bInterval
Microsoft OS Descriptor is not available. Error code: 0x0000001F
String Descriptor Table
Index LANGID String
0x00 0x0000 0x0409
0x01 0x0409 "My Device"
0x02 0x0409 "Widget"
0x03 0x0409 Request failed with 0x0000001F
0x04 0x0409 Request failed with 0x0000001F
Connection path for device:
Standard OpenHCD USB Host Controller
Root Hub
Widget (VID=0xDEAD PID=0xBEEF) Port: 1
Running on: Windows 7 with Service Pack 1
Brought to you by TDD v1.84.0, Dec 14 2015, 09:19:38
Bus Capture:
# Total Phase Data Center(tm) v6.72
# (c) 2005-2016 Total Phase, Inc.
# Level,Sp,Index,m:s.ms.us,Dur,Len,Err,Dev,Ep,Record,Summary
0,,0,0:00.000.000,,,,,,Capture started (Aggregate),[09/09/16 14:26:17]
0,,1,0:00.000.024,,,,,,<Reset> / <Target disconnected>,
0,,2,0:08.305.531,,,,,,<Unreset> / <Target connected>,
0,,3,0:08.413.001,,,,,,<Reset> / <Target disconnected>,
0,,4,0:08.478.875,,,,,,<Unreset> / <Target connected>,
0,,5,0:08.653.191,,,,,,<Reset> / <Target disconnected>,
0,,6,0:08.682.498,,,,,,<Unreset> / <Target connected>,
0,,7,0:08.682.717,25.005.625 ms,,,,,[26 SOF],[Frames: 1898 - 1923]
0,,8,0:08.707.980,62.958 us,8 B,,00,00,Get Device Descriptor,Index=0 Length=64
0,,22,0:08.708.720,2.812 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1924]
0,,23,0:08.708.826,,,,,,<Reset> / <Target disconnected>,
0,,24,0:08.738.509,,,,,,<Unreset> / <Target connected>,
0,,25,0:08.738.724,25.005.541 ms,,,,,[26 SOF],[Frames: 1954 - 1979]
0,,26,0:08.763.933,29.500 us,0 B,,00,00,Set Address,Address=01
0,,35,0:08.764.726,26.005.645 ms,,,,,[27 SOF],[Frames: 1980 - 2006]
0,,36,0:08.790.956,105.562 us,18 B,,01,00,Get Device Descriptor,Index=0 Length=18
0,,58,0:08.791.729,2.916 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 2007]
0,,59,0:08.791.853,170.895 us,41 B,,01,00,Get Configuration Descriptor,Index=0 Length=255
0,,93,0:08.792.729,2.812 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 2008]
0,,94,0:08.793.052,49.125 us,4 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=0 Length=255
0,,107,0:08.793.730,2.916 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 2009]
0,,108,0:08.793.853,85.125 us,14 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=2 Length=255
0,,126,0:08.794.730,2.916 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 2010]
0,,127,0:08.794.853,26.020 us,0 B,,01,00,Control Transfer (STALL),Index=0 Length=10
1,,128,0:08.794.853,13.208 us,8 B,,01,00, SETUP txn,80 06 00 06 00 00 0A 00
2,,129,0:08.794.853,2.812 us,3 B,,01,00, SETUP packet,2D 01 E8
2,,130,0:08.794.856,8.166 us,11 B,,01,00, DATA0 packet,C3 80 06 00 06 00 00 0A 00 5F 34
2,,131,0:08.794.865,1.479 us,1 B,,01,00, ACK packet,D2
1,,132,0:08.794.875,4.770 us,,,01,00, IN txn (STALL),
2,,133,0:08.794.875,2.833 us,3 B,,01,00, IN packet,69 01 E8
2,,134,0:08.794.878,1.479 us,1 B,,01,00, STALL packet,1E
0,,135,0:08.795.730,1.003.020 ms,,,,,[2 SOF],[Frames: 2011 - 2012]
0,,136,0:08.796.771,121.354 us,18 B,,01,00,Get Device Descriptor,Index=0 Length=18
0,,158,0:08.797.730,2.812 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 2013]
0,,159,0:08.797.837,84.958 us,9 B,,01,00,Get Configuration Descriptor,Index=0 Length=9
0,,176,0:08.798.730,2.833 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 2014]
0,,177,0:08.798.854,163.979 us,41 B,,01,00,Get Configuration Descriptor,Index=0 Length=41
0,,211,0:08.799.730,3.000 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 2015]
0,,212,0:08.799.866,29.416 us,0 B,,01,00,Set Configuration,Configuration=1
0,,221,0:08.799.902,1.999.991.604 s,,,01,00,[184143 IN-NAK],[Periodic Timeout]
0,,222,0:08.800.730,1.999.219.562 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 2016 - 1967] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,223,0:10.799.899,1.999.996.250 s,,,01,00,[184134 IN-NAK],[Periodic Timeout]
0,,224,0:10.800.947,1.999.219.541 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 1968 - 1919] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,225,0:12.801.164,1.384.152.812 s,,,,,[1385 SOF],[Frames: 1920 - 1256]
0,,226,0:14.185.474,48.854 us,4 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=0 Length=4
0,,240,0:14.186.314,2.833 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1257]
0,,241,0:14.186.418,151.291 us,34 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=1 Length=255
0,,270,0:14.187.314,2.833 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1258]
0,,271,0:14.187.447,83.041 us,14 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=2 Length=255
0,,289,0:14.188.314,2.833 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1259]
0,,290,0:14.188.453,165.625 us,41 B,,01,00,Get Configuration Descriptor,Index=0 Length=256
0,,324,0:14.189.314,2.812 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1260]
0,,325,0:14.189.438,100.895 us,18 B,,01,00,Get Device Descriptor,Index=0 Length=256
0,,347,0:14.190.314,70.010.416 ms,,,,,[71 SOF],[Frames: 1261 - 1331]
0,,348,0:14.260.547,48.791 us,4 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=0 Length=4
0,,361,0:14.261.322,2.833 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1332]
0,,362,0:14.261.428,151.208 us,34 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=1 Length=255
0,,391,0:14.262.322,2.833 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1333]
0,,392,0:14.262.394,99.687 us,14 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=2 Length=255
0,,410,0:14.263.322,2.812 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1334]
0,,411,0:14.263.446,165.312 us,41 B,,01,00,Get Configuration Descriptor,Index=0 Length=256
0,,445,0:14.264.322,2.833 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1335]
0,,446,0:14.264.424,107.312 us,18 B,,01,00,Get Device Descriptor,Index=0 Length=256
0,,467,0:14.265.322,55.008.791 ms,,,,,[56 SOF],[Frames: 1336 - 1391]
0,,468,0:14.321.171,48.791 us,4 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=0 Length=4
0,,481,0:14.321.328,2.833 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1392]
0,,482,0:14.321.453,144.145 us,34 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=1 Length=255
0,,512,0:14.322.329,2.812 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1393]
0,,513,0:14.322.435,89.375 us,14 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=2 Length=255
0,,530,0:14.323.329,2.833 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1394]
0,,531,0:14.323.431,171.729 us,41 B,,01,00,Get Configuration Descriptor,Index=0 Length=256
0,,564,0:14.324.329,2.833 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1395]
0,,565,0:14.324.453,101.125 us,18 B,,01,00,Get Device Descriptor,Index=0 Length=256
0,,587,0:14.325.329,70.010.416 ms,,,,,[71 SOF],[Frames: 1396 - 1466]
0,,588,0:14.395.906,48.625 us,4 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=0 Length=4
0,,601,0:14.396.337,2.833 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1467]
0,,602,0:14.396.461,144.541 us,34 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=1 Length=255
0,,632,0:14.397.337,2.812 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1468]
0,,633,0:14.397.440,89.208 us,14 B,,01,00,Get String Descriptor,Index=2 Length=255
0,,650,0:14.398.337,2.833 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1469]
0,,651,0:14.398.498,172.291 us,41 B,,01,00,Get Configuration Descriptor,Index=0 Length=256
0,,685,0:14.399.337,2.833 us,,,,,[1 SOF],[Frame: 1470]
0,,686,0:14.399.461,101.375 us,18 B,,01,00,Get Device Descriptor,Index=0 Length=256
0,,708,0:14.400.337,1.999.219.479 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 1471 - 1422] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,709,0:16.400.554,1.999.219.479 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 1423 - 1374] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,710,0:18.400.771,1.999.219.479 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 1375 - 1326] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,711,0:20.400.987,1.999.219.541 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 1327 - 1278] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,712,0:22.401.204,1.999.219.479 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 1279 - 1230] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,713,0:24.401.421,1.999.219.500 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 1231 - 1182] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,714,0:26.401.638,1.999.219.458 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 1183 - 1134] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,715,0:28.401.854,1.999.219.458 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 1135 - 1086] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,716,0:30.402.071,1.999.219.479 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 1087 - 1038] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,717,0:32.402.288,1.999.219.458 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 1039 - 990] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,718,0:34.402.505,1.999.219.458 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 991 - 942] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,719,0:36.402.721,1.999.219.541 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 943 - 894] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,720,0:38.402.938,1.999.219.458 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 895 - 846] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,721,0:40.403.155,1.999.219.458 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 847 - 798] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,722,0:42.403.371,1.999.219.458 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 799 - 750] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,723,0:44.403.588,1.999.219.458 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 751 - 702] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,724,0:46.403.805,1.999.219.458 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 703 - 654] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,725,0:48.404.022,1.999.219.437 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 655 - 606] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,726,0:50.404.238,1.999.219.437 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 607 - 558] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,727,0:52.404.455,1.999.219.500 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 559 - 510] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,728,0:54.404.672,1.999.219.395 s,,,,,[2000 SOF],[Frames: 511 - 462] [Periodic Timeout]
0,,729,0:56.404.888,946.105.312 ms,,,,,[947 SOF],[Frames: 463 - 1409]
0,,730,0:57.350.991,,,,,,Capture stopped,[09/09/16 14:27:15]