Author Topic: BASIC-52 program storage  (Read 16610 times)


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BASIC-52 program storage
« on: April 03, 2014, 08:05:14 pm »
My question has to do with the storage of BASIC-52 programs in EPROM (obsolete platform, I know, but one that has long intrigued me). Pretty much every reference on BASIC-52's memory architecture states the following:

0000 - 7FFF for data memory, with a minimum of 1K
0000 - 7FFF for code memory, of which 0000 - 1FFF is the internal ROM which contains BASIC-52
8000 - FFFF for combined code/data memory. BASIC-52 programs must reside in this space. E000 - FFFF is recommended for peripherals.

Assembly language programs obviously must reside in code memory, and it seems that perhaps this is part of the rationale for combined code/data memory above 7FFF. DO BASIC-52 programs reside in code or data memory? I'm tending to think that they are in data memory, since they are interpreted rather than being executed directly. If I am only going to store BASIC-52 programs, and no assembly language, is it sufficient to have the EPROM in data memory starting at 8000? I ask this partly for academic reasons, to better understand the platform, but also for practical reasons, to simplify the hardware design as much as possible.

Jan Axelson

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Re: BASIC-52 program storage
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2014, 11:35:20 am »
Basic-52 programs are in data memory. You don't need external program memory.

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« Last Edit: July 13, 2014, 09:54:49 pm by Jan Axelson »