Ok I did it, and now I think I will be able to get it
But I still have some doubts (maybe you think they are a bit silly, I'm sorry):
1) I suppose I only need to deal with DoControlReadTransfer() because I expect only to get data from my device but not to send data to it, so I can forget DoControlWriteTransfer(), Am I right?
2) Within the function DoControlReadTransfer(), setupPacket.Request = 2 means that my device will receive a setup packet with a vendor request with parameter bRequest=02h?
3) The theory: If I want to be able to pass up to 3 different vendor-requests to my device (1, 2 and 3) I should modify this function to be invoked with a third variable (not only winUsbHandle and dataStage but also for example "desired_request"), then I could do something like setupPacket.Request = desired_request. Am I in the right way?
Thanks again!