Author Topic: PIC 16F628 PROGRAMMER  (Read 19525 times)


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« on: April 26, 2013, 02:42:00 pm »
Dear sir,
I wanted to design and construct a pic 16f628 programmer but am finding it difficult.
I am only used to the parallel eprom programming of applying 13 volts at vpp pin,
programming pulse at PGM pin, activate output enable and chip enable pins then apply
the address and data to the eprom chip. I even used to do it manually without a programmer for short codes.
the problem am having is that am not used to serial data transmission at all that's required
in pic programming. can I also manually program a pic for a short hex file ?
how should I design and construct a basic 16f628 programmer that could program the pic
and that could be improved later . Thanks.


Jan Axelson

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« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2013, 03:13:03 pm »
I would suggest putting a PIC inside the programmer! The PIC can receive the serial data and write data to the EPROM, controlling the voltages as needed.