« Last post by Roibert on March 01, 2023, 04:50:47 am »
Dear Forum
Actually we have ralized a device ,with a microcontroller PIC24, able to be used as a Touch pad , using the HID class . So ,when we touch this ares, we can see on window the pointer to move
All without writing any driver on window.
Now, we would like to create a display, driven by some microcontroller (ST or PIC),that ca interface with window...that means, window must see it as a monitor.
We see that there is not some HID class for this.
We understood that the UVC class is only for receive video data from a camera, and
visualize on window....but this is not what we want.
So, question are :
1) What means for window to be a second monitor ?
2) Actually we are able to transfer data via winusb ,in bulk mode.. This seems nice for video because of bulk. Can be usefull .