Thanks for a prompt reply. I may have been a bit general and simple with my question. (Its clear in my mind, maybe getting it out is a little harder!) My modems ip address is fixed and my firewall is configured. I have port forwardng set to accept any request to a http server on port 80 to be forwarded to a particular servers address. Thats where I get stuck. If I have mutiple devices (obviously with different ip address) how can the request coming in be directed to the required device. The original request from a browser must be directed to my modem, an outside ISP assigned address. But somehow the packet needs to be identified and passed to the required device. I can only enable one device at a time on my network, and change my port fowarding to that devices address. I wonder is there a "normal" practise to achieve this? eg Does the modem need to be set up to forward a request to each device or do I need to build a server (router) to decode and redirect or am I missing something really simple. Does chapter 4 explain this? So I hope I have explained my dilemma that I can access a device from "outside" but not multiple devices.