Hi Jan
I have been observing things closely but am yet to find out that trigger pointwhich could lead me to a major clue.
I had some queries for which I wanted some pointers from you.
PART A - DIRECT Connection between the hOST and the device without my circuit.
1. Responding to Get Max LUN . Is the response device specific. By this I mean , a mass storage device successfully goes through all the stages of SETUP ,IN and OUT transcations.While the other one sends a STALL in response to the IN transaction(followed by Clear ENDPOINT feature). and the entire control transfer is repeated again. There is no data flow happening from the device to the HOST.
2. In other SCSI commands, say INQUIRY ,is it necessary that the device returns a NYET in the Command Transport Stage.I had two masss storage devices, one which returned and NYET and the other which returned an ACK.(this is without my circuit, direct connection between the host and the device through Beagle)
PART B Connection between the HOST and the device through my circuit.
1. Could you please elaborate on the EXT packet ID . I did go through it in your book, but the book did not cover it in detail. Also what exactly is an LPM packet?
I am getting an EXT packet sometimes after Set Address(when I am connecting my circuit).But there is no LPM packet following it.
2. Regarding the vendor specific request, how do I know whether it is directed to the device or not.
I get the following
SETUP -- 2D / 01/ E8
DATA0 C3/40/B0/28/00/11/00/00/00/09/1B
After which there is no response from the device.
PFA a snapshot of the same which might help you in looking at my query.
Looking forward to your reply.
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