Ports and Interfaces > Parallel Port
Pin 4 goes high automatically when one of the status pins connected to the GND!
I have faced a strange behavior of the pin number 4!
When I connect one of the status pins to the ground, pin number 4 turns on automatically!
Does anyone know why it happens? How can I prevent the pin 4 to be activated without my command while I am sending input via status pins?
Jan Axelson:
See if anything here helps:
Unfortunately, I couldn't find any helpful information about it!
Any idea how I can solve this problem?
Jan Axelson:
You've done all of these:
Set the port to SPP or PS/2 mode in the system BIOS.
Configure the data lines as outputs by writing zero to bit 5 of the control port (base address + 2).
Set DisableWarmPoll in the registry as described in my FAQ.
and you still see the problem?
It still doesn’t work!
- I configured the data lines as outputs.
- I disabled DisableWarmPoll in the registry. (so, it is now 00000001)
- However, I cannot find SPP or PS/2 in the system BIOS. I only have EPP+ECP, Output_Only, and Bi-Directional.
What can I do for this part?
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