GlennP / Jan, thanks for your response. you're right english is not my first language

What I need to do is similar to what you has explained jan. Let's suppose the following packet is arriving from COM2 :
{ 0x01,0x10,0x030,0x40 } ( I am going to determine when the packet is completed checking the interbyte timeout, the brackets are just used here to delimit the whole packet content).
I need to store the packet content (for example in flat text mode) to analyze later on, adding to the packet an identifier (or whatever I choose) only if the first byte (0x01) has set the 9th bit, for example: { *,0x01,0x10,0x030,0x40 }
The analysis process and how to store the packet content in fact is out of what I need because I know how to resolve it. What I didn't know how to handle was to determine if a specific byte has set the 9th bit or no. That's all ;-)
Because as far as I know, under windows it is not possible to determine it accurately and fast enough as you read each byte, so I was trying to have opinions about what different architecture I can use. (maybe you have some c++ code which allows me to read the 9th bit status under windows)
I hope this post is more clear the previous one. Sorry about the misunderstandings!