We face a problem with a device which we develop: it is an interface converter CAN Bus/USB .
It is based on an ST µPSD 3454A processor at 24 MHz. This µProc has a USB V1.1 low speed internal port.The device is bus Powered (150 mA). The device is recognized as an HID device. It uses HID reports with various lengths. I use the USB routines as given by ST for this µProc.
When our device hangs (it happens from time to time):
- some times Windows PnP "crashes" (this happens under XP, not Visa and W7), and the user need to restart device discovery service or reboot PC,
- some times when W doesn't crash it's not enough to restart our device by unpugging/plugging it (making an internal reset) but also there is the need to change the USB port (Hub ou PC)
Should be appreciated if anybody has some ideas on what happens.