It operates much slower (more than 10 times) with the native PC’s enhanced usb port (in the situation where there is no other usb traffic on the bus).
Does the device happen to run on Full-speed, instead of High-speed?
It operates 100 times slower when I hooked the Beagle 480 protocol analyzer to check things out.
Did you run the beagle's PC application, Data Center, on the same target PC? As Data Center app eats up much CPU usage for "real-time" trace, I recommend you to run it on a separate PC from the target. Beagle's dongle doesn't disturb USB line, of course, but Beagle's PC app impacts your PC app. "Real-time" trace feature is fine, but heavy :-)
Also, this is one of the evidence for
"The bottom line is that Windows isn't a real-time OS." by Jan
on your another thread the case with the Beagle 480, the Beagle reports normal OUT operation, but it reports a lot NACK from the device for the IN operation (although this does not seem right because the IO line indicates the IN operation from the device finishes within 5us of receiving the command).
It's an expected result.
As explained on your other thread, class driver always holds at least one IN transfer request (qTD) on the host controller queue. While any IN transfer request exists on the queue, host controller repeats IN transactions, as long as the device is NAKing.
NACK is applied to I2C, USB term is NAK :-)