Dear Forum members,
it is not a developer theme, but I don't know other place to answer my question. The question is if the already 4 flashdrives I tried to image and now crash all PCs, are recoverable or not.
The story: I have to deploy OPNSense firewall and downloaded the image. Then tried to write it to a flashdrive with Rufus. It goes slowly to 100% then suddenly Windows makes a BSOD with error code 1000007e BCP1:0xffffffffc0000094. I am googling the net already three days long, and now I know, the flashdrives are not dead (completely), because when I disable USBSTOR.sys, I can plug them in (without a BSOD) and Windows can read some data (VID and PID, but Chip Vendor is unknown) with ChipGenius software. When I plug them in another PC and boot from it, the PC halts at the POST. When I start a Live Linux CD (DSL) and plug in the flashdrive, Linux stops responding.
The flashdrives are different in size and vendor (1GB noname, 4GB noname, 8GB Kingston Data Traveler 2.0 and 16GB noname). Kingston has a LED as well, so I saw that at 94% it blinked, then at 94,1% it changed to lit always. In this state after 3-4 secs I dragged it out, then plugged back, and it caused the BSOD.