I have made a device to play games (joystick) that emulates a keyboard. It uses the HID class and it is a composite device..
It works fine but there is one thing that should behave differently.
If I press two buttons at the same time it behaves exactly like my laptop keyboard. Let's say I press 6 and hold it and then press 4. I will see this:
666666666666666666666666664444444444444444444444... That's fine.
When pressing a key and hold it on my device while doing the same at same time on my laptop keyboard ( both shooting with key press hold).
Here is what I get 464464646464664646464646464664646464646464646646464646464646466464
Both shooting, all mixed up, none of the keyboard takes over.
I would like to get the same expected result as if only one keyboard was used:
Is it possible? Most probably because I have another USB keyboard that works as intended. If If press a key on it while doing the same with my laptop's keyboard I got the right thing:
6666666666666666644444444444444444444... The difference is: It is a Keyboard Class one...
Is it because I am using HID class (composite device) instead of keyboard class? How can I make make this to work as intended?
Many thanks