hello Sir ,
i got ur code of usb 2.0 in vb environment from ur website ...well in code , u have declared the function of three libraries , hid.dll , setupapi.dll and kernel32 ...u havent mentioned how to call these api function in vb interface ....n the most important in my system as i viewed the available list of Windows API's, which is installed along with Visual Basic. To start the API viewer, click Start -> Programs -> Microsoft Visual Studio 6 -> Microsoft Visual Studio 6 Tools -> API Text Viewer.
There are many dll libraries and their function declartion , i have found only kernel32 libraies of my intrest rest of two libraries 's functions are not in list .
Then google for hid.dll library on net & found some thing here on this link
http://www.dlldump.com/download-dll-files_new.php/dllfiles/H/hid.dll/5.1.2600.2180/download.htmlhow can i import other two libarries now ? and what pid n vid should i use for communication ?