I have no DAC for example that I am clocking the data out at 44.1 kHz.
No problem.
The USB Audio spec doesn't limit the data Sink device as a DAC. Data transfer interface like SPD/IF will do.
I have tried again by creating a 11.2890 MHz clock from a PLL
PLL isn't the way I suggested.
How do you make the 44.1 kHz (Fs) clock?
What is the master clock from which this Fs derives?
The master clock of this Fs should be captured to make the feedback value.
I can't count the 125 MHz clock as its not a power of 2 of the sample clock.
Again, no problem.
A divisor of a power of 2 is chosen just to make the design simple.
You may divide the captured count by any number, other than a power of 2.
Sound like you are making the 44.1kHz Fs from 125 MHz master clock.
If you would directly divide the master clock,
125MHz / 2834 = 44.1072.. kHz
The captured value of above scheme should be also divided by 2834.
But if you would make the Fs using a PLL, the clock source of capture depends on the PLL configuration. In this case, figure out the PLL configuration to discus on the clock source.