Do you get test unit ready commands? What's your response to that?
I'd expect to get a TUR command which you fail. Your sense would be not ready, no media. If the hosts go direct to reads or any other media access command, you can also fail those, then your sense would again be not ready, no media.
You can also give a sense of not ready, media becoming ready, if you expect to be done in the near future. Did you ever get an Inquiry? That's where you tell the host you're a removable device (via the RMB bit). Even if you haven't told the host you have removable media, you can still fail commands with a sense of media becoming ready.
My devices have used the removable media approach to all this and they work with Windows.
thanks for the help here. Removable media bit is set, and Inquiry commands are handled correctly.
We learnt this morning that you have to
fail the device format capacity request to force the Host to send TUR's.
I know, its all there in the book, (Thanks Jan) but we missed that detail yesterday!
Now the host->device interaction begins to look sensible.
But, when we are finally ready to let the host see the drive, it doesn't want to look.
Attached transactions distilled from our USB sniffer
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