I'm reasonably proficient in MicroSoft Visual C++, and programming my Atmel Mega AVR 8 bit micros using CodeVision's C compiler, and I have just read Jan's USB Complete 4th Edition. I have purchased the Atmel STK525 AVR USB Starter kit.
I have an application where I need to transfer data from my AVR Mega32 device to a PC window, the data is slow port bit data - 10 bits changing at < 1 Hz, and some 12 bit data from the D/A converter, also at a rate of about 1 Hz. I also want to send the device some setup data - about 64 bits. Of course I want to use USB, but I am overwhelmed by the amount of setting up and USB transfers that have to happen before I can do this. It seems impossible to know where to start in all the reams of sample code I've seen.
Could anyone provide me with Visual C++ code and Atmel MegaAVR code sample for a similar type of project, or some getting started advice?