Hi All,
Same board I was fiddling with all week being that I have to get some thing done and out to a customer Today. I have to talk to a board the same as HyperTerminal. My first step was to look over the comms spec 2400, 8, None, 1 and set a program to send out a command (in C#) using an application I have written the sending routine is
private void rtbOutgoing_KeyPress(object sender, KeyPressEventArgs e)
if (e.KeyChar == (char)13) // enter key
{ myComPort.Write("\r\n");
rtbOutgoing.Text = "";
else if (e.KeyChar < 32 || e.KeyChar > 126)
e.Handled = true; // ignores anything else outside printable ASCII range
} This routine works for sending out what evers in the output text box (rtbOutgoing keypress routine).
This appears not to work so I tried to use a routine that was developed to ensure all data from a reply was got.
private string Write_Board(string Data_To_Board)
myComPort.Write(Data_To_Board + (char)10 + (char)13);
while (Reply_Status == (int)REPLY.NO_REPLY)
NoDataAtPort.Enabled = true;
NoDataAtPort.Enabled = false;
if (Reply_Status == (int)REPLY.TIMEOUT_REPLY)
Data_From_Board = "TIMEOUT\n";
else if (Reply_Status == (int)REPLY.YES_REPLY)
//add try catch
InputData = myComPort.ReadExisting();
if (InputData != String.Empty)
this.BeginInvoke(new SetTextCallback(SetText), new object[] { InputData });
else if (InputData == String.Empty)
return (null);
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
MessageBox.Show("Error Caught!!" );
Cursor.Current = Cursors.No;
Reply_Status = (int)REPLY.NO_REPLY;
// ProcessInput();
// Data_From_Board = Data_From_Board + "|||";
// return (Data_From_Board);
This was called by the line of code Write_Board(command) example follows
Reply_Status = (int)REPLY.NO_REPLY;
Reply Status is an Enumerated list as follows
The Data Recieved Event has the following
private void port_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
Reply_Status = (int)REPLY.YES_REPLY;
I was a little supprised when this worked and returned data. As this method had originally created for ensuring the complete command was sent. As I mentioned earlier (previous question) this board uses a one wire interface for communications so I get back an echo of what I sent (not a problem I can filter out these replies) I am playing at Debugging/Trying ideas while I am typing this,
I have a dodgy solution at the moment in that if I send the command twice with a gap from a Thread Sleep, while this is not ideal (far from it) it does appear to work, however I will need a proper solution quickly. As far as I can see I am doing everything properly. This board is being troublesome. Can anyone give me a pointer (or website/book recomendation) to doing single wire comms, as Sending the commands twice to get a reply is awkward, on the a spy HyperTerminal window I have set up a second USB serial port to spy on the Comms with the board I can see it is replying twice but my program will only display the second. WHY???