Ports and Interfaces > USB



Hello all,

I am to France and my english is not very good, sorry.
I have reader RFID: only read, no button, push card and directly output in application open.
I try this method to use reader only in my application and not in the active application.
Langage is VB6
VID is 4D9H and PID is 1400H
I am downloaded USBHIDIO
You have ideas ?

Thank you

Jan Axelson:
<< Does the data appear as keypresses in a terminal application such as HyperTerminal?>>
yes, this is exact

<<If so, you can read the data the same as any keypresses. To read from a specific device, see Raw Input. I have a link to info here>>:
But I do not want the characters go into another application. Should be attached to the HID device in my application. The keyboard and mouse continues to have normal use.


sorry, i modify your message

Jan Axelson:
Your application can use Raw Input to read from a specific device.



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