Ports and Interfaces > USB

is it possible to tell what failed from a Mac log?

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On Mac OS X 10.6.5

The Console says "GetUSBDeviceInformation() for device ... failed with kIOReturnNotResponding"

The logger says

75930.062 [7]   IOUSBHIDDriver(IOUSBHIDDriver)[0x720bb00]::InterruptReadHandler  bufferSizeRemaining: 13, error 0xe00002ed
75930.062 [3]   IOUSBHIDDriver(IOUSBHIDDriver)[0x720bb00]::InterruptReadHandler 0xe00002ed (device is not responding)
75930.062 [3]   IOUSBHIDDriver(IOUSBHIDDriver)[0x720bb00]::InterruptReadHandler Checking to see if HID device is still connected

But if I go back, for example, this seems to have worked

75930.037 [5]   9925 AG Touchpad[0x6fcee00]::SetConfiguration  returning success

long after the last "GetDeviceInformation" call I see

75929.948 [6]   9925 AG Touchpad[0x6fcee00]::GetDeviceInformation, error: 0x0, info: 0x1a

A) Does this make sense to anyone?
B) Is there documentation on how to interpret the log? (eg what is the number in the bracket?, which messages really apply to my device?)


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Jan Axelson:
Whenever Mac questions came up on the old USB-IF forum, the recommendation was to ask the Apple developer's forum. I don't know if that still exists.


Yeh, you are probably right.  Although I think there is a certain "Barry" who posts/ed in both.

This is my first choice since this seems to be a place where the primary mission is to educate others.

Jan Axelson:
Thanks for posting here. Maybe Barry will chime in on this.


Guido Koerber:
You should try the Apple USB mailing list: http://lists.apple.com/mailman/listinfo/usb

Pretty much all of the Apple guys who have anything to do with USB are reading this list and are quite fast at answering questions.


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