Ports and Interfaces > USB

Device reset

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Thank you, Jan.

I really appreciate your quick response.


Chicago Bob:
I work with ChicagoMike, and I know he was successful in getting the USB port to reset by heeding Jan's suggestion to follow the DevCon code example.  The two functions that really did the trick for him were SetupDiSetclassInstallParams() and SetupDiCallClassInstaller() using DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE.  This scheme works fine on Windows XP 32-bit, but now we're getting complaints that the USB fails reset on Windows 7 64-bit.  I'm involved now because I've been asked to fix it.
My debugging shows that SetupDiCallClassInstaller() returns FALSE on the 64-bit OS.  Googling this turns up several forums with developers reporting the same problem.  Most threads end right there, but I did find a little more info on the microsoft social.msdn general development issues forum.  Several more people report this problem and one says that a SetupDiCallClassInstaller() call from a 32-bit application won't work on a 64-bit OS.  (I haven't been able to confirm this in Microsoft documentation.)  Does anyone know if this statement is true?  I'm hoping there is a better fix than porting our code to a 64-bit application.  Any thoughts would be appreciated.

Thank you, Bob

Jan Axelson:
It sounds like you've researched it pretty well. Maybe someone will pipe up here, but the MS forums are probably a better bet.

Chicago Bob/Chicago Mike - I had an uncle Bob and an uncle Mike from Chicago.



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